從此Grand Cru Classe A不再? Ausone / Cheval Blanc quits Saint Emilion Classification

Ch. Ausone 及 Ch. Cheval Blanc從此唔再係Grand Cru Classe A?

自1955年起,波爾多右岸聖愛美隆嘅分級制度每10年會重新評定一次;而Ch. Ausone同Ch. Cheval Blanc雄踞A等榜首至今,兩間酒莊嘅品質同實力都係毋庸置疑。當2022年新一輪評審在即,哩兩間名莊相應表示退出分級,引起酒界相當熱烈嘅討論。
據法國權威葡萄酒雜誌《Terre de Vins》報導,現時聖愛美隆評審準則包括社交媒體評論度、遊客體驗、、新聞報導及社會媒體等曝光率;而兩間酒莊則表示葡萄酒嘅基本要素如風土、葡萄酒品質、潛力、歷史等更為重要,因此唔再適合參與分級制度。

Ch. Ausone and Ch. Cheval Blanc quits Saint Emilion Classification

French trade publication 《Terre et Vins》 - that two of the most illustrious estates in the region - Cheval Blanc and Ausone - had decided not to be included in St Emilion’s 2022 classification.
While Ausone said a decision to withdraw was taken independently from Cheval Blanc, both chateaux cited issues with the judging criteria for the St-Emilion classification. The current assessment criteria have significant stress on marketing aspects, including product placements, frequent appearance in media (including PR and social media), along with wine tourism infrastructure. Both chateaux agreed that there is far too little importance given to terroir, viticulture and history, and came to the conclusion of quitting the assessment.
We will soon find out whether there are noticeable promotions after the absence of two legendary chateaux.

Shop our collection of Ausone HERE


Shop our collection of Cheval Blanc HERE
