[神之水滴酒款推介] Burgundy篇
Domaine Albert Morot由1820年創立至今都仲係由家族管理及擁有,一直釀出高質、令人一試難忘嘅葡萄酒;係星級酒莊雲集嘅伯恩丘區中依然突圍而出,廣受好評。酒莊共擁有8個葡萄園,集中哂係伯恩丘內,每一款都能夠突顯風土特色,仲要全部都係一級靚田!
哩款一級田Cent-Vignes平均樹齡45歲,以傳統方法釀造,以車里子,紅梅嘅香氣為主,仲有甘草、皮革、泥土等香氣。適合配烤焗類菜式,牛肉、羊肉及硬芝士等。哩款一級田年產量只有500箱! 有興趣嘅朋友要把握機會啦! 😍
Domaine Albert Morot, one of the leading wineries in Cote De Beaune. Founded by Albert Morot in 1820, the domaine is owned and run by the 5th generation of the Family. The Domaine owns 8 hectares of vines over 8 appellations, with an average age of 40 years and produce grapes and wines that have different characters. 😍
Only 500 cases have been produced, this 1er Cru Cent-Vignes uses traditional wine-making methods, and is fresh and expressive, with aromas of black cherry, raspberry, licorice, leather and notes of earth. Medium-bodied with a balanced and persistent finish. Pairs well with casserole, red meats and hard cheese.
Domaine Anne Gros Bourgogne Hautes-Cotes Nuits Marine Cuvee 2018, Vol 35, p.20
出身於 Vosen-Romanee 村嘅名門Gros家族,Anne Gros 憑住佢高超嘅釀酒功力,成功釀出多款佳釀,更被譽Gros家族當中風格最優雅、細緻。現已成為布根地聲望最高嘅女釀酒師之一,地位同Leroy女士睇齊! 👩🏻
哩款Marine Cuvee白酒非常清新,帶香濃檸檬及熱帶水果風味,有輕微奶油及橡木桶香,並以清爽嘅酸度同礦物作收結。配白身魚、貝類同白肉都好夾, 係一款需要常備係屋企嘅酒! 😋
The history of The Gros Family dated back to the early 19th century in Vosne-Romanee. Described by Clive Coates, MW, as “Quietly confident”, with a “sure, perfectionist touch”, Anne Gros is probably the most respected female winemaker of Burgundy along with Lalou Bize Leroy. 👩🏻
Her wines have richness, depth and precision on the palate. This Marine Cuvee is a fresh wine with citrus notes and exotic nuances of tropical fruits. The mineral structure is moderated by hints of oak and creaminess. It will complement raw or grilled fish, shellfish and white meat, perfect to serve for any occasions. 😋