Let's go Winecation! - Tuscany
Tuscany, one of the most renowned wine regions in the world, located in the central Italy, a landscape of rolling hills and incredible views. It is bordered by the Tyrrhenian Sea to the west, with over 63,000 ha of vineyards, and a wide range of soil and climates. Although there are 10+ grapes permitted for viniculture in the region, the most signature grapes is Sangiovese.
Discover our collection of Tuscany: https://kingswine.hk/collections/tuscany

This map by Wine Folly shows us the location of Tuscany and the various sub-regions.
盛產Sangiovese嘅法定產區包括Chianti and Chianti Classico, Brunello di Montalcino (簡稱BdM), Vino Nobile di Montelpuciano等等; 雖然用同一款提子,但由於區之間釀造方式嘅不同,所以造出嘅風格都完全唔同。Chianti果香新鮮濃郁,適合年輕時飲。而Chianti Classico, BdM, Montelpuciano哩三個區因為木桶陳釀時間都較長,所以能夠造出酒體豐厚,味道更複雜有層次,陳年潛年亦非常高嘅酒款;陳年後煙草、茶葉、皮革等味道會逐漸顯現。Tuscany多個靚產區中,用上100% Sangiovese嘅BdM不論係當地定海外市場都大受歡迎,所以今日揀咗款產自哩區嘅酒同大家重點介紹一下。
Sangiovese is widely planted throughout the country, but its spiritual home is Tuscany. It forms the basis of famous wines like Chianti and Chianti Classico, Brunello di Montalcino (BdM), and Vino Nobile di Montelpuciano. With different wine making philosophy, resulting in totally different style of wines. Chianti Rosso is generally higher in acidity, lighter in body and more approachable when young. While BdM and Montelpuciano are more complex and full body, and designated for long ageing.

BdM嘅法定提子只有Sangiovese,收成後最少五年先可以上市,其中兩年必需係木桶醞釀,繼而釀出均衡、優質、厚實嘅葡萄酒。為大家精選嘅Valdicava Brunello di Montalcino 年產量只有6千箱,葡萄以有機方式種植,完全唔用農藥。Valdicava 2005年被評為係其中一款味道最濃郁嘅BdM,帶野梅、紅果、煙燻、泥土、礦物等香氣,幫你慳埋等佢成熟嘅時間,而家飲啱啱好。
BdM is a wine made with 100% Sangiovese that requires at least 5 years of ageing before release, including at least 2 years in oak. Our selection, Valdicava Brunello di Montalcino perfectly reflects the traditional Brunello. Limited production of 6,000 cases per year, the vineyards are organically farmed without any use of pesticides. Vintage 2005 displays essence of smoke, earthiness, wild cherries and iron. This is one of most rich, concentrated Brunellos of the vintage.
BdM is a wine made with 100% Sangiovese that requires at least 5 years of ageing before release, including at least 2 years in oak. Our selection, Valdicava Brunello di Montalcino perfectly reflects the traditional Brunello. Limited production of 6,000 cases per year, the vineyards are organically farmed without any use of pesticides. Vintage 2005 displays essence of smoke, earthiness, wild cherries and iron. This is one of most rich, concentrated Brunellos of the vintage.