- Alcohol %: 20%
- Taste: Tart, Juicy, Sweet finish, Mouthwatering acidity, Soft melon, Yuzu, Honeydew, Green tea
- Food Matching: Sushi, Sashimi, Light salads, Fruit desserts
- Grape Variety:
Green Tea
Tasting note
TY-Ku Citrus Liqueur 是來自日本的迷人調和酒,它融合了亞洲超級水果的精華與TY-Ku Soju為基底。這款酒體輕盈的利口酒,以柔和的哈密瓜香氣迎接您的嗅覺,酸甜交織的口感和諧絕妙,最後以令人垂涎的酸度收尾,帶來滿足的餘韻。無論是冰鎮後直接品嚐,或是作為低卡路里雞尾酒的多功能調酒基酒,TY-Ku Citrus Liqueur 都是絕佳的選擇。其創新的瓶身在提起時會發光,為任何場合增添了引人注目的魅力。
TY-Ku Citrus Liqueur is an enchanting blend from Japan, capturing the essence of Asian superfruits with a base of TY-Ku Soju. This light-bodied liqueur delights with a soft melon aroma and a harmonious balance of tartness and juicy sweetness, culminating in a satisfying finish with a hint of mouthwatering acidity. Perfect for sipping chilled on the rocks or as a versatile mixer for low-calorie cocktails, TY-Ku Citrus Liqueur is presented in an innovative bottle that illuminates upon lifting, making it a captivating addition to any occasion.