🌿「The Macallan - Harmony Collection IV」🌿
受近 200 年 Macallan 與自然深厚聯繫啟發,Macallan Harmony 系列係一個探索未來之旅嘅年度限量發行系列。每個版本都有獨特創新嘅包裝,目的係為已經結束其常規過程嘅有機副產品帶來新嘅生命。透過將創新技術同大自然材料融合,令佢哋喺生命盡頭融合喺一齊,帶埋新嘅目標重生。 呢次 Harmony 系列同太陽馬戲團合作,慶祝麥卡倫 200 週年。呢版強調自然奇蹟同想像力嘅無限潛力。✨
🌿「The Macallan - Harmony Collection IV」🌿
The Macallan Harmony Collection, a limited annual release series, is a celebration of nature's influence over nearly two centuries. This collection reimagines packaging through sustainable practices, breathing new life into organic by-products.
In collaboration with Cirque du Soleil, this release marks 200 years of The Macallan, honoring the wonders of nature and the boundless power of imagination. These expressions pay homage to the sherry seasoned American and European oak casks that define The Macallan's essence.
Experience the rebirth of materials from nature's end, transformed through innovative techniques. Embrace the harmony of tradition and innovation in every sip.