位於愛知縣嘅萬乘釀造建立於江戶時代1647年,雖擁有多年歷史,但亦係。而家由第15代年輕社長領軍,佢更打破傳統日本釀酒方式,率領員工到法國葡萄酒莊取經,成為追求新式日本酒嘅先驅。最終代表銘柄作品「釀人九平次 (釀し人九平次)」面世,係一款非常有個性、亦帶有葡萄酒風味嘅清酒。釀し人九平次更入選巴黎米芝蓮三星餐廳Pierre Gagnaire嘅酒單,成為進軍國際市場嘅里程碑。
Established since the Edo period, Banjo Sake Brewery won its fame from its flagship series - Kamoshibito Kuheiji, which was only created 20 years ago. The young and energetic director strives for a change, and has sent his staff to learn from wineries in France. Deeply influenced by French wines, Kamoshibito Kuheiji is an exotic sake which has been adopted by the Michelin 3-Star restaurant Pierre Gagnaire in Paris.
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