The last time I tasted the 1996 Mouton Rothschild (maybe a couple of years ago?), I recall it was a bit broody and closed. This showing was anything but! Deep garnet in color, it sashays out of the glass with lavishly dressed, gregarious crème de cassis, baked blackberries and plum pudding scents plus touches of menthol, fenugreek, star anise and sandalwood with fleeting glimpses at dried rose petals and oolong tea. The full-bodied palate is richly fruited, opulent and oh-so seductive, with bags of youthful black fruit and lovely finely grained tannins, finishing with fantastic freshness and length. This was tasted from jeroboam in September 2019.
- Alcohol %: 12.5%
- Decant Time: 2 hours
- Taste: black cherry, blackberry, cedarwood, fresh mint, floral notes, integrated oak, silky tannins, opulent, dense, refined, controlled power, tender finish
- Food Matching: roast lamb, beef Wellington, aged cheeses, duck confit
- Grape Variety:
Cabernet Sauvignon
: 77%,
: 13%,
Cabernet Franc
: 10%,
Tasting note
1996 年的武當酒莊是一款展示波雅克優雅與力量的非凡佳釀。這款酒擁有黑櫻桃、黑莓、雪松木、新鮮薄荷和花香的開放而濃郁的香氣,令人陶醉。口感豐富而濃郁,精緻而絲滑的單寧展現出受控的力量,隨後是柔和的收尾。這款酒在 100% 新的法國橡木桶中陳釀 18 個月,增添了層次感和深度。與烤羊肉、惠靈頓牛肉、陳年奶酪和油封鴨完美搭配,這款酒是 Patrick Léon 精湛釀酒技藝和武當高原豐富風土的見證。
The 1996 Chateau Mouton Rothschild is a remarkable wine that showcases the elegance and power of Pauillac. With an open and intense nose of black cherry, blackberry, cedarwood, fresh mint, and floral notes, this wine is a sensory delight. The palate is opulent and dense, with refined and silky tannins that offer a controlled power before a tender finish. The wine is aged for 18 months in 100% new French oak barrels, adding a layer of complexity and depth. Perfectly paired with roast lamb, beef Wellington, aged cheeses, and duck confit, this wine is a testament to the exceptional winemaking of Patrick Léon and the rich terroir of the Plateau de Mouton.
武當酒莊是波爾多最負盛名的酒莊之一,以其卓越的葡萄酒和豐富的歷史而聞名。葡萄園位於武當高原,一個海拔 27 米的小丘,擁有深厚的礫石土壤,非常適合種植赤霞珠、美樂和品麗珠。酒莊由菲利普·德·羅斯柴爾德男爵夫人擁有,釀酒由 Patrick Léon 監督。葡萄園密集種植,每公頃 10,000 棵葡萄樹,葡萄樹的平均樹齡約為 44 年。1996 年的年份受益於幾乎理想的天氣條件,釀造出一款具有非凡深度和複雜性的葡萄酒。
Chateau Mouton Rothschild is one of the most prestigious wineries in Bordeaux, known for its exceptional wines and rich history. The vineyard is situated on the Plateau de Mouton, a hillock that rises to 27 meters above sea level, with deep gravelly soil that is ideal for growing Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Cabernet Franc. The winery is owned by Baronne Philippine de Rothschild and the winemaking is overseen by Patrick Léon. The vineyard is densely planted with 10,000 vines per hectare and the average age of the vines is around 44 years. The 1996 vintage benefited from almost ideal weather conditions, resulting in a wine of remarkable depth and complexity.