- Alcohol %: 14.5%
- Decant Time: 1 hour
- Taste: blackberry, plum, chocolate, spice, earthy
- Food Matching: grilled lamb, beef stew, aged cheeses
- Grape Variety: Merlot : 88%, Cabernet Franc : 12%,
Tasting note
2019 年的 Clos la Madeleine 是來自著名的聖艾美濃特級園的絕佳葡萄酒。這款酒散發出黑莓、李子和巧克力的豐富香氣,並帶有香料和泥土的底蘊。由 Jean-Pierre Moueix 生產,這款酒經過 18 個月的陳釀,呈現出結構良好且平衡的風味。葡萄園獨特的風土為這款酒增添了複雜性和深度。與烤羊肉、燉牛肉或陳年奶酪完美搭配,這款酒在醒酒一小時後享用最佳。
The 2019 Clos la Madeleine is a stunning wine from the prestigious Saint-Emilion Grand Cru appellation. This wine offers a rich bouquet of blackberry, plum, and chocolate, with hints of spice and earthy undertones. Produced by Jean-Pierre Moueix, this wine is aged for 18 months, resulting in a well-structured and balanced profile. The vineyard's unique terroir contributes to the wine's complexity and depth. Perfectly paired with grilled lamb, beef stew, or aged cheeses, this wine is best enjoyed after decanting for an hour.
Clos la Madeleine 是位於聖艾美濃特級園的著名酒莊。由 Jean-Pierre Moueix 擁有,該酒莊以生產反映該地區獨特風土的優質葡萄酒而聞名。精細的釀酒過程和細心的陳釀造就了具有極高複雜性和優雅的葡萄酒。
Clos la Madeleine is a renowned winery located in the Saint-Emilion Grand Cru appellation. Owned by Jean-Pierre Moueix, the winery is known for producing exceptional wines that reflect the unique terroir of the region. The meticulous winemaking process and careful aging result in wines of great complexity and elegance.