Bright, ripe and defined, with bay, violet, cassis and dark plum fruit all racing along in unison. Excellent energy and tension through the finish. Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.
- Alcohol %: 13.8%
- Decant Time: 1 hour
- Taste: bay, violet, cassis, dark plum, earthy, spicy, savory
- Food Matching: grilled lamb chops, beef stew, mature cheeses, roasted duck
- Grape Variety:
: 63%,
Cabernet Sauvignon
: 37%,
Tasting note
2019 年大寶二牌是一款來自波爾多聖朱利安產區的經典優雅葡萄酒。這款梅多克的第二酒,經過精心釀造,展現出精心設計的結構和悠長清新的餘韻。香氣撲鼻而來的是月桂、紫羅蘭、黑加侖和黑李子的誘人香氣。口感中等,甜美、泥土和辛香的平衡令人愉悅,使其成為搭配各種菜餚的多功能選擇。經過 15 個月的橡木桶陳釀,這款酒現在即可享用,也可陳年以獲得更多的複雜性。
The 2019 Chateau Talbot 'Connetable Talbot' is a classic, elegant wine from the renowned Saint-Julien appellation in Bordeaux. This second wine of the Médoc, crafted with meticulous care, showcases a well-designed structure and a long, fresh finish. On the nose, it reveals enticing aromas of bay, violet, cassis, and dark plum. The palate is medium-bodied with a delightful balance of sweet, earthy, and spicy notes, making it a versatile choice for various dishes. Aged for 15 months in oak barrels, this wine is ready to be enjoyed now or can be cellared for further complexity.
大寶酒莊是梅多克地區最受尊敬的酒莊之一,歷史可追溯到 1960 年代。由洛林·科迪埃和南希·比尼翁-科迪埃管理,酒莊受益於傳統的耕作和精心的葡萄園管理。這個 102.5 公頃的葡萄園,擁有礫石土壤和 30 年樹齡的葡萄藤,生產出優質的葡萄酒。釀酒過程包括在不銹鋼罐中發酵和在橡木桶中陳釀,確保最終產品的精緻和優雅。
Chateau Talbot is one of the most esteemed estates in the Médoc region, with a rich history dating back to the 1960s. Managed by Lorraine Cordier and Nancy Bignon-Cordier, the estate benefits from traditional plowing and meticulous vineyard care. The 102.5-hectare vineyard, with its gravelly soil and 30-year-old vines, produces wines of exceptional quality. The winemaking process includes fermentation in stainless steel tanks and aging in oak barrels, ensuring a refined and elegant final product.