Klein Constantia - Vin de Constance Natural Sweet Wine 2016


【 名流貴族追捧的🇿🇦南非“國寶級”甜酒 ,英國女王👸🏼國宴酒單必有!2015 Wine Spectator Top 100】
Klein Constantia 克萊坦亞酒莊位於南非 Constantia Valley 康斯坦尼亞山谷,是🇿🇦南非的知名酒莊,所處好望角歷史最悠久的葡萄園地。由於緊靠南太平洋,🌊海洋和⛰山脈形成的特殊氣候環境,涼爽及潮濕的水氣、花崗岩的土壤,為釀造高品質的🍷葡萄酒創造了良好的條件。
酒莊源於1685年,屬於“鎮莊之寶”的 Vin de Constance,是名人爭搶之酒;如:拿破崙及簡.奧斯汀,令南非酒可進入歐洲及英國的市場,贏得許多的獎項並得到王室👑的推崇與認同。
100% Muscat de Frontignan 釀造,把葡萄梗與葡萄藤連接的地方彎曲,使葡萄裡的葡萄汁變濃。分批次採收,熟度不同的葡萄構成了完美的比例的糖、酒精和酸度.榨汁後,全新法國和匈牙利木桶陳年3年,再放於罐中6個月才注入酒瓶。👅清新、平衡、花香、令人難以置信的美味、怡人的酸度、精緻的橡木味和梨酸🍐、結晶檸檬🍋和橙皮的味道。
BUY Now : ➜https://bit.ly/3iRmjqO

Klein Constantia Winery is a well-known winery located in Constantia Valley, at the oldest vineyard in the Cape of Good Hope. Close to the South Pacific, the special climatic environment formed by the ocean and mountains, the cool and humid moisture, and the granite soil create good conditions for the production of high-quality wines.
The winery started in 1685 and the "Highlight of Winery" Vin de Constance. It is a wine that celebrities compete for; such as Napoleon and Jane Austen, which allowing South African wine to enter the European and British markets, also winning many awards and respected and recognized by the royal family.
100% Muscat de Frontignan is made by bending the stalks and vines to thicken the juice in the grapes. Harvested in batches, grapes of different maturity constitute the perfect ratio of sugar, alcohol and acidity. After squeezing the juice, brand new French and Hungarian barrels are aged for 3 years, and then placed in a can for 6 months before being poured into the wine bottle.Fresh, balanced and floral, with incredible delicacy, racy acidity, fine oak and flavours of pear tart, crystallised lemons and orange zest.
BUY Now : ➜https://bit.ly/3iRmjqO