Special Offer - Ch. Le Bon Pasteur 2005

Shop Here: Ch. Le Bon Pasteur 2005

位於Pomerol及St Emilion交界嘅Ch. Le Bon Pasteur同「飛行釀酒師」Michel Rolland ✈️有不可分割嘅關係,哩個酒莊正係佢土生土長嘅家,亦係同葡萄酒結緣嘅起點。酒莊開初由Rolland家族管理,而Michel爸爸於79年去世後,擔起Le Bon Pasteur嘅責任則落於Michel身上。💪🏻
Michel當時已為不同酒莊作葡萄酒顧問,富有經驗,但係故鄉嘅Le Bon Pasteur先係佢實踐經驗嘅最佳場所。💕 Michel及團隊係酒莊釀酒長達40年,更不斷提升葡萄酒質素,成為區內代表性名莊。
Le Bon Pasteur以高比例Merlot釀成,亦包含住Pomerol及St Emilion兩個區嘅複雜性。哩支2005年剛進入適飲期,果香非常濃郁。黑加倫子、布冧、甘草、焦糖等香氣湧現,夾雜咖啡豆、辛香料、泥土、皮革等味道,酒體厚身但單寧及酸度都好平衡。🤤 年產量僅20,000支。
The fate of Le Bon Pasteur is closely connected to the famed Michel Rolland ✈️ who represents the spirit of the chateau for 40 years. Michel has spent his childhood and teenage years on this family property and perhaps explains his love for the land in general and in particular for the vine. 💕
After his father's death in 1979, Michel took over the chateau and developed recipes and techniques that have made it as successful as today. 💪🏻 Given to Michel's knowledge, passion and experiences, it's no surprise that Le Bon Pasteur is among the finest estates in Pomerol.
Dominated by Merlot, Le Bon Pasteur is concentrated and powerful. 2005 has just reached its maturity, showing intense cassis, plum, blueberry and caramel, intermixing with mocha, spices, earth and leather. Full and round on the palate, it is a stunning wine full of precision. 🤤 20,000 bottles produced.