Special Offer - Dm. Jean-Michel Gaunoux Puligny Montrachet 1er Folatieres 2015

Shop Here: Dm. Jean-Michel Gaunoux Puligny Montrachet 1er Folatieres 2015


發跡於Meursault嘅Gaunoux家族嘅釀酒事業始於二戰時期,Henri Gaunoux當時係一位高級釀酒師,佢將精湛嘅工藝、經驗及分佈於Beaune數個子產區嘅葡萄園傳畀後人,至今傳承到第三代人 - Jean Michel Gaunoux。😮 J-M Gaunoux以極少人為干預哲學釀酒,並以低產量,細膩濃郁嘅酒款打響名堂,非常值得一試! 👏🏻


Gaunoux家族於Puligny Montrachet亦有葡萄園,仲擁有被MW Jasper Morris評為exceptional嘅一級靚田Folatieres。哩款2015年係經典嘅PM,除咗豐富誘人嘅成熟水果香,仲帶濃郁堅果、白花🌼、雲里拿及礦物等香氣,入口更有奶油般質感,豐盈有層次。


Heritage from the Henri Gaunoux — a celebrated vigneron in the decades on either side of the second war, Jean-Michel founded Domaine Jean-Michel Gaunoux in 1990. 😮 The domaine has its family roots in Meursault for many centuries, J-M Gaunoux's wines always show great richness and seductive palate of fruit, delicate oak, and fantastic ageing potential. 👏🏻


The estate also own vineyards in Puligny Montrachet, including the Folatieres, which is being rated as exceptional 1er Cru by MW Jasper Morris. This bottle of 2015 reveals notes of ripe stone fruits, follows by blossom🌼, roasted nuts, vanilla and mineral. Buttery and creamy on the palate, it is a classic Puligny white you shouldn't miss!