Special Offer - 尾澤"19" Sake Pack

Shop Here: 尾澤19 Sake Pack

尾澤酒造位於長野縣, 年產量僅 60 石 (一石=180公升) ,從釀酒到銷售只靠三位藏人完成。規模雖然唔大,但佢地其中一個系列 - 銘柄「19」以富有童話色彩、可愛嘅酒標著稱,非常吸睛,俘虜唔少酒友嘅心~ 💕

銘柄19嘅最新作品以熊仔🐻做主題,熊仔以不同姿勢出現,仲手持代表7號酵母嘅數字「7」。另外金/銀色則代表唔同酒米,可愛之餘大家亦可細心品嚐兩款清酒嘅分別! 錯過哩一批之後酒造未必會再出同款酒標,快啲買黎收藏啦~🙌🏻


OZAWA Sake Brewery is a small sake brewery located in Nagano Prefecture, with only 3 brewers and annual production of 15,000 bottles. One of their sake series - "19" is very popular due to its fairy tale themed, eye-catching labels. 💕


The brewery's latest "19" collection features cute bears 🐻 on the label. Gold and silver represents the use of different sake rice, while both bottles have been brewed with No.7 yeast. It pairs well with food or can be served alone. Limited time offer and limited stock, bring them home now! 🙌🏻


19 Goldener Bear 金熊 🥇🐻
原料米 Rice: 長野県産美山錦 + しらかば錦 ;Local brewed Miyamanishiki + Shirakaba Nishiki
精米步合 Rice Polish: 65%
日本酒度 Amakuchi:+5.4
酸度 Acidity:2.2

The golden bear sake is soft and full of sweetness. Slight sparkling sensation on the palate, it is balanced by good acidity and umami.


19 Silberner Bear 銀熊 🥈🐻
原料米 Rice: 長野県産美山錦 + ひとごこち(人地心);Local brewed Miyamanishiki + Hitogokochi
精米步合 Rice Polish: 65%
日本酒度 Amakuchi:+4.3
酸度 Acidity:2

The silver bear has a nose of peaches and yogurt. Well balanced and light bodied, this sake is the perfect summer drink.