Special Offer - Leroy Beaujolais Villages Primeur 2020

Shop Here: Leroy Beaujolais Villages Primeur 2020

由神級酒莊Leroy打造嘅Beaujolais Nouveau
A Luxury Level Beaujolais by Maison Leroy
[24 Bottles Only]
博若萊新酒傳統每年十一月第3個禮拜四會全球開賣;哩款酒新鮮可口更充滿活力,可以即開即飲。今次為大家帶黎嘅,係只有靚年先會推出,由神級布根地酒莊Leroy所釀造嘅Beaujolais Nouveau。
使用100% Gamy,哩支酒果香新鮮奔放,莓果香氣尤其突出。仲有紫羅蘭、礦物、香料及泥土等味道,比一般Beaujolais更有層次同風味。同雞、豬、鴨肉及燒烤類嘅菜式都好夾,啱哂要黎陪你過新年!
A luxury level of Beaujolais vinified by the team of Maison Leroy, and only available in the best years. Traditionally released on the 3rd Thursday of November, this Beaujolais is full of freshness and ready to be enjoyed now.
Made with 100% Gamy, this wine has a lively character with bright acidity and soft tannins. It shows expressive aromas of strawberry and raspberry, intermixed with notes of violets, mineral, spices and earth. It pairs well with poultry and grilled dishes, which is also the perfect wine for New Year's celebration!