黑白大莊 Markus Class War

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    黑白大莊 Markus Class War 優惠活動將於2024年10月15日開始 

    Markus Class War Promotion will start on 15 OCT 2024

    Markus Molitor 係一間坐落喺德國 Mosel 嘅家庭式精品酒莊,以出品極高質嘅 Riesling 聞名。佢將自己手上所有嘅葡萄園劃分成唔同嘅地塊,再針對葡萄嘅品質 ,劃分成唔同嘅等級 ( 基礎款<村級<特級田<一星<二星<三星 )。以便各位酒客一眼就分到唔同酒款之間嘅層次有所分別。省去繁複嘅鑽研。

    時間返返去1984年,年僅20歲嘅 Markus Molitor 作為家族第八代傳人,喺父親手上接手酒莊,但唔好睇佢年紀輕輕,實際上佢非常有野心,由佢接管酒莊之後,就積極買唔同嘅葡萄園返黎,而家擁有嘅葡萄園,已經係當初嘅兩倍以上。

    葡萄酒界 冇一個公開試咁嘅形式去評定每一間酒莊嘅級數,但係如果比酒界權威酒誌 The Wine Advocate 評為滿分100呢,個間酒莊就一定好似高中狀元咁,令到酒莊聲名大噪。之不過通常拎到 100分嘅都係紅酒居多,兼且大部份係來自法國,法國以外,兼且係白酒拎到 100分嘅分分鐘數埋都唔夠 100 款。但係,喺2015 年 Markus Molitor 竟然有 3 款 2013 年嘅甜白酒史無前例咁獲得 The Wine Advocate 嘅 100分,遢問有咩辦法唔出名。而佢嘅 100分之路並冇因為呢三支酒而停止,截至而家,Markus Molitor 總共拎到 17 次100 分。

    The protagonist of this story once single-handedly broke the monopoly of French red wine's "100 points" status. He is known for representing the German terroir in the most extraordinary way, and he is the most capable challenger to the wine king Egon Mullar's German estate - Markus Molitor.

    Markus Molitor is a family-owned boutique winery located in the Mosel region of Germany, renowned for producing high-quality Riesling wines. He divides all his vineyards into different plots and grades them based on grape quality (basic < village < grand cru < one star < two stars < three stars), allowing wine enthusiasts to easily distinguish between different levels of wines at a glance, thus eliminating the need for extensive research.

    In 1984, at just 20 years old, Markus Molitor became the eighth-generation heir to his family's winery. Despite his youth, he ambitiously expanded the estate by acquiring new vineyards, effectively doubling its size.

    In wine, a 100-point score from authorities like The Wine Advocate is akin to high school valedictorian status, especially rare for white wines. Markus Molitor made history in 2015 with three 100-point sweet whites, now boasting a total of 17 perfect scores, predominantly a red wine achievement, notably from France.


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