- Alcohol %: 13.5%
- Decant Time: 2 hours
- Taste: bilberry, wild berry, spice, pepper, violet, liquorice, mineral, black fruit, cocoa powder
- Food Matching: grilled lamb chops, beef tenderloin, mature cheeses, roasted duck
- Grape Variety:
Cabernet Sauvignon
: 59%,
: 32%,
Cabernet Franc
: 8%,
: 1%,
Tasting note
雙跳 2022 展現了這個年份的濃郁和集中度。這款酒提供了豐富而複雜的藍莓和野莓香氣,伴隨著香料、胡椒和一絲紫羅蘭的氣息。甘草和礦物質的清新感與絲滑、完美融合的單寧力量完美平衡,展現出優雅和精確。黑色水果的風味與可可粉的香氣在餘韻中持久,這是一款真正精緻和高雅的葡萄酒。
Château Clerc Milon 2022 is a testament to the intensity and concentration of the vintage. This wine offers a rich and complex array of bilberry and wild berry notes, complemented by spice, pepper, and a touch of violet. The freshness of liquorice and mineral notes balances perfectly with the controlled power of silky, well-integrated tannins, revealing elegance and precision. Black fruit flavors coupled with notes of cocoa powder linger long on the finish, making it a truly refined and sophisticated wine.
雙跳酒莊位於波爾多的波雅克產區,以其卓越的葡萄酒而聞名。葡萄園種植在礫石和粘土石灰岩土壤上,受益於該地區獨特的風土條件。2022 年份經歷了溫和乾燥的天氣,陽光充足,使葡萄在理想條件下穩定成熟。精心的釀酒過程包括在法國橡木桶中陳釀 18 個月,造就了這款具有非凡深度和複雜性的葡萄酒。
Château Clerc Milon, a prestigious estate in the Pauillac appellation of Bordeaux, is renowned for its exceptional wines. The vineyard is planted on gravel and clay limestone soils, benefiting from the unique terroir of the region. The 2022 vintage experienced mild and dry weather with abundant sunshine, allowing the grapes to ripen steadily in ideal conditions. The meticulous winemaking process includes aging in French oak barrels for 18 months, resulting in a wine of remarkable depth and complexity.