Special Offer - Dm. Francois Mikulski Bourgogne Chardonnay 2016

Shop Here: Dm. Francois Mikulski Bourgogne Chardonnay 2016


返璞歸真 - 極致嘅風土表現

起初Francois Mikulski係佢叔叔Pierre Boillot嘅酒莊工作並負責管理葡萄園。Mikulski憑住經驗、熱誠及創新意念,最終於92年同太太攜手創立咗自己嘅酒莊。短短29年間,Mikulski已成為Mersault區最受著目嘅頂級釀酒師之一。
為對土地本質嘅尊重,Mikulski於釀酒過程中只使用極少量新桶,以保留最純粹嘅果香、酸度及礦物感。連酒標嘅設計都體現到Mikulski追求純粹嘅精神 ;靈感來自布根地釀酒過程中使用粉筆作記錄嘅古老傳統,令人眼前一亮。哩款Bourgogne年產量只有9千支,一開瓶有清新嘅檸檬、蘋果等水果味道,加上白花、香草同若隱若現嘅木桶香氣,呈現葡萄酒充滿活力同純粹嘅一面。

The Pursuit of Purity and Elegance

The story began in 1992, when Francois Mikulski inherited his first plots of Meursault from his late uncle, Pierre Boillot. With vision and persistence, Mikulski has already proven himself to be one of the top winemakers in Meursault.
Mikulski insists in using very little oak as he strives to show the true purity and minerality from the terroir. His bottles are also unique in its "label-less" design - simply using chalk paint inspired by the chalk writing on oak barrels during fermentation. Limited production to 9k bottles, this Bourgogne is pure and energetic; it shows refreshing citrus and bouquet of dandelion, herbs and very light toast.