- Alcohol %: 7 - 7.5%
- Taste: citrus zest, dark minerality, elderflower, muscatel, lime, honey
- Food Matching: fruit tarts, light salads, soft cheeses, seafood
- Grape Variety:
: 100%,
Tasting note
桂詩 - 阿斯蒂有汽白酒來自意大利著名的皮埃蒙特地區,是一款令人愉悅的氣泡酒。這款酒呈現淡稻草黃色,帶有銀色反光和活潑的氣泡。香氣中帶有柑橘皮、深色礦物質和接骨木花的花香,並伴有細膩的麝香葡萄香氣。入口時,果香甜味與活潑的酸度相平衡,帶來輕盈而充滿活力的體驗。這款酒平衡良好,果汁感十足且持久,餘味中帶有青檸和蜂蜜的味道。非常適合搭配水果塔、輕盈沙拉、軟奶酪和海鮮。
Acquesi Asti DOCG is a delightful sparkling wine from the renowned Piedmont region in Italy. This wine presents a pale straw yellow color with silver reflections and a lively mousse. On the nose, it offers nuances of citrus zest, dark minerality, and floral hints of elderflower, complemented by delicate muscatel notes. The palate is greeted with fruity sweetness balanced by lively acidity, creating a vital and light-footed experience. The wine is well-balanced, juicy, and persistent, with lime and honey lingering in the aftertaste. Perfect for pairing with fruit tarts, light salads, soft cheeses, and seafood.