- Alcohol %: 12%
- Decant Time: 30 minutes
- Taste: Complex, Traditional, Citrus, Brioche, Mineral
- Food Matching: Oysters, Caviar, Sushi, Lightly grilled fish, Soft cheeses
- Grape Variety: Chardonnay : 50%, Pinot Noir : 50%,
Tasting note
2017 年 Henri Giraud Fut de Chene MV Ay Grand Cru Brut 是一款複雜且傳統的氣泡酒。這款香檳散發出柑橘和奶油麵包的迷人香氣,並帶有明顯的礦物質特徵。採用傳統方法釀造,展現了 Henri Giraud 精湛的釀酒工藝。葡萄園位於著名的 Ay Grand Cru 地區,享有最佳的生長條件,為這款酒的卓越品質做出了貢獻。這款酒平衡完美,酸度活潑,口感柔滑,是一杯真正的慶祝佳釀。
The 2017 Henri Giraud Fut de Chene MV Ay Grand Cru Brut is a sparkling wine that epitomizes complexity and tradition. This Champagne offers a delightful bouquet of citrus and brioche, underpinned by a distinct mineral character. Produced using the traditional method, it showcases the meticulous craftsmanship of Henri Giraud. The vineyards, located in the prestigious Ay Grand Cru region, benefit from optimal growing conditions, contributing to the wine's exceptional quality. Perfectly balanced with a lively acidity and a creamy texture, this wine is a true celebration in a glass.