- Alcohol %: 46 - 48.5%
- Decant Time: 30 minutes
- Taste: chamomile, marigolds, gardenias, peaches, apples, vanilla, biscuity cereal, green apples, malted milk balls, fresh herbs, gentle spice, warm chocolate, creamy grain
- Food Matching: grilled meats, smoked salmon, aged cheeses, dark chocolate
- Grape Variety:
Tasting note
Ichiro's Malt & Grain World Blended Whisky 是由秩父酒廠創始人孫子 Ichiro Akuto 精心製作的傑作。這款威士忌在東京西北部的秩父地區釀造,該地區的氣候變化有利於威士忌的成熟。這款威士忌散發著洋甘菊、金盞花、梔子花、桃子、蘋果和香草的細膩香氣,並伴有餅乾穀物的香氣。口感優雅,帶有香草、青蘋果、麥芽奶球和新鮮香草的味道,餘味中帶有溫和的香料,逐漸轉為溫暖的巧克力和奶油穀物。這款日本和其他威士忌的混合酒對水的反應良好,是一款多功能且令人愉悅的選擇。
Ichiro's Malt & Grain World Blended Whisky is a masterful creation by Ichiro Akuto, the grandson of the founder of the Hanyu distillery. This whisky is crafted in Chichibu, a region northwest of Tokyo known for its climatic variations that benefit the maturity of the distillery's whiskies. The whisky offers delicate aromas of chamomile, marigolds, gardenias, peaches, apples, and vanilla, underpinned by biscuity cereal notes. The palate is elegant with flavors of vanilla, green apples, malted milk balls, and fresh herbs, leading to a finish with gentle spice that fades into warm chocolate and creamy grain. This blend of Japanese and other whiskies responds well to water, making it a versatile and enjoyable choice.
由秩父酒廠創始人孫子 Ichiro Akuto 創建,秩父酒廠於2007年建於東京西北100公里處,該地區的氣候變化對威士忌的成熟非常有利。
Created by Ichiro Akuto, grandson of the founder of the Hanyu distillery, Chichibu was built in 2007 100 kilometers northwest of Tokyo in a region where climatic variations greatly benefit the maturity of the distillery's whiskies.